Haih...a smile doesnt meant i'm happy..
A laughter doesnt meant there's nothing bother me inside my heart and my mind.
There's always a thing on my mind that can bring me down but i gotta fight that feeling.!..yeahhh..!
Now..as a time passed..da thing that always bother me for the last 3 or 4 months is fading away..!
Yeaaayyy..!..congrats and big claps for myself..i already get over that matter...
Life need to move on rite??..
xkan la nak abiskan my precious time pikir bnda yang dah lepas..?..kan3??
Thanks to fifi...after i read ur blog...i got an inspiration..!..huhuhu..
mst ko x sangka kan Posts lam blog ko tuh bleh bg insipration kat org len.!.kan fifi??hahhaaha
Now..fikir nak tumpukan perhatian pada kerjaya and saving money to continue my study..sbb bapak aku ckap.."ko nak sambung blaja..ko carik duet sndri"..!
hahaha...dengar cam kejam jerk an?...bapak ape x support anak smbung stadi.!
but actually..bagus jugak mcam tu...
Its good.!..because we can learn how hard to find a money :)
Nak buat part-time study jep...
Tapi x pikir lagi nak further kat mane..and nak teruskan dengan kos IT ke x...!
Kene mintak pndapat Prof.Khairullah neh..!
Regards ,Anurn